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Welcome to my portfolio website! My name is Vishnu Chityala and I am a student and programmer. I enjoy taking on programming challenges🧑‍💻🧑‍💻.

Hello! My name is Vishnu Ramu Chityala, and I am excited to share a little about myself with you. I was born in Surat, Gujarat and I am currently pursuing Bachelors in Computer Science at Bennett University. I have always enjoyed exploring new technology and figuring out how it works. I have developed excellent programming skills and have expertise in languages such as Python, C, C++ and JAVA.
I am always looking for new projects to work on and love to challenge myself to learn new things. In addition to my passion for programming, I also have a keen interest in business and content writing. I enjoy reading about the latest developments in technology and business and keeping up with current events in these fields.


Bike Sharing Dataset Analysis and AI Model Comparison

I developed an AI project using the Bike Sharing Dataset to predict rental counts, comparing Random Forest Regressor for its robustness with non-linear data and Poisson Regression for its suitability with count data. Key features like weather, time, and season were preprocessed, and model performance was evaluated using MAE, RMSE, and R².


Google Drive Clone

This project replicates the core functionalities of Google Drive, allowing users to upload, manage, and organize their files within a cloud storage environment. It uses Firebase for real-time database integration, authentication, and file storage, while HTML, CSS, and JavaScript provide the structure, styling, and interactivity of the user interface. Key features include folder management, file uploads, file previews, and a dynamic user experience.

HTML CSS3 JavaScript Firebase

Scholar Sphere Scraper API

This project provides a comprehensive solution for extracting and managing research paper data from IEEE Xplore and ACM Digital Library. It leverages Scrapy and Django to automate data extraction, offer a structured API, and enable efficient research analysis. Key features include efficient data extraction, robust API integration, and scalability.

Python Django Scrapy

Youtube Course Gen-API

The YouTube Course Generation API transforms YouTube videos into structured courses using AI and custom resources from instructors or users. It creates detailed course outlines and educational materials, simplifying the conversion of video playlists into comprehensive learning experiences.

Java Python Pinecone Flask Spring

BU-Notes UI Template

This project is a UI template designed to mimic the functionality of G-Drive. Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it serves as the frontend for the BU-Notes application hosted by Arihant Gupta .

HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap

MultiTenant ERP Project

This project offers a robust open-source multi-tenant ERP web application designed to streamline business processes and empower efficient resource management.

Java HTML5 CSS3 Bootstrap Spring

Spy Car

A smart car operated mobile app using bluetooth and carries a wifi camera which gives all footage near car through wifi. It is handy and very easy to use car due to use of mobile app to control it.

C++ Arduino


A python script which ecrypts a text file by taking password from a user and decrypts it by asking password from the user. Wrong password match will not be able to decrypt the text file and while text while is ecrypted it is not in human readable form.

Zetwerk Case Study

A case study on a company which listened to their audience and created a marketplace for themselves with best services in hand.

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Made by : Vishnu Ramu Chityala with 🤍